Privacy Policy
These Terms and Conditions regulate the buying and selling intermediation services carried out on the LojaTop website ("INTERMEDIATOR").
1) The use of the site requires the oil of the Thermos and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. Only natural persons with full legal capacity can use the services.
2) THE BUYER must provide true and up-to-date information, being responsible for any inconsistencies. LojaTop can suspend registrations with incorrect information.
3) LojaTop mediates transactions between physical people, charging a tax for each transaction made. It does not market products directly without guaranteeing their quality or availability.
4) THE INTERMEDIATE is not responsible for any refunds, refunds or problems related to purchased products.
5) Modifications to Terms and Conditions can be made at any time, coming into force after 10 days from publication. A BUYER who does not agree may close his or her relationship with the site.
6) The BUYER acknowledges that the products are not in stock of the INTERMEDIATE, but not in stock of two suppliers, who are responsible for delivery.
7) LojaTop does not guarantee uninterrupted services or errors and is not responsible for lost profits or indirect damages.
8) All taxes incurred on purchases are the responsibility of the BUYER, calculated based on the reported invoice.
9) LojaTop protects the privacy of its users, with the use of personal data governed by its Privacy Policy.