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Strain Anti Fleas and Carrats

(Cód. Item 34744200) | Disponível em estoque.

Heart: Colorful
Pet: Canes

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More Protection for Your PET, More Tranquility for You!

You are ready to discover the secret to keep your pet protected and safe with maximum efficiency.

A unique solution that offers 8 months of continuous protection against: Fleas / Carrapatos / Leishmaniasis / Scabies / Bugs / Fungus.

Original Anti Flea and Carrapatos Strain - 8 Months of Protection

    Imagine not having to worry about repetitive treatments or harmful chemicals. SafePet is designed to ensure that your pet is safe and comfortable , without any unpleasant or uncomfortable residue.

    This innovative, water-resistant and lightweight strainer is the perfect choice for your four-legged friend.

    Original Anti Flea and Carrapatos Strain - 8 Months of Protection

    Why choose SafePet?

    • Prolonged Protection: Até 8 months of continuous defense.
    • Safe and Comfortable: Ideal for children from 7 weeks.
    • Easy to Use: Adjust, with safety mechanism and without releasing.
    • Efficient: Age by contact, without need of parasites bite or animal.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to provide your pet with the care it deserves.

    Original Anti Flea and Carrapatos Strain - 8 Months of Protection
    Original Anti Flea and Carrapatos Strain - 8 Months of Protection


    • Size of Race: Mini, Small, Medium, Large, Giant
    • Indication: Puppies and Cats
    • Parasites: Fleas, Carrapatos, Leishmaniasis, Scabies, Bicheira and Fungi.
    • Product Features: 3 Month Acima Protection
    • Idade: Filhotes, Adults, Idosos, Seniors
    • Type of Flea Repellent: Coleira
    • Cores: Colorful, Blue, Red and Cinza
    • Approximate Dimensions: Compression: 70 Cm
    • Recommended Frequency (days): 240

    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Is Strain SafePet safe for my pets, especially for young or sensitive animals?
      Yes, it is suitable for sensitive dogs and animals, but consult a veterinarian for special cases.

    2. How effective is the SafePet strain in preventing fleas, ticks and other pests?
      Indeed, it protects against various pests, including fleas and carcasses, for up to 8 months.

    3. Do you strain any odor or residue on pet hair?
      No, it is unwrapped to be odorless and without leaving residue on pet hair.

    Buy with Quality and Safety. Delivery is guaranteed and a tracking code is available. Also, your data is encrypted to guarantee your satisfaction and security.

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